Country File

By marypot

A pleasant diversion

Quite a dumping of snow overnight which blew into high drifts. I was out early with neighbours digging out our cars and clearing a roadway but the wind kept whipping the snow back in and more fell. I decided to hang back and write a few reports at home while I waited for the weather to settle. The two usual routes I take to work were closed due to snow, and when I eventually at off an hour and a half or so later I took the long route via the A68. Unfortunately I was stopped a way down there too as part of the road was blocked with drifting snow. A police road block sent us via a diversion Down this pretty road that is near Lanchester and then into Durham city. After all the diversions I didn't get into work until midday, having cancelled all four of the morning visits I had planned to make. Made the most of office time though, and decided to head home via the biggest local roads of all - A1/A69. It meant a commute home of around 55 miles but at least it was largely clear of snow until the last stretch back to our village.

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