Snow day

I made it into work today, the roads weren't too bad once I made it on to the main ones, but it was nose to tail and it took be almost two hours to go 8 miles.... my average mph was 4 according to my dashboard! Needless to say I was late for work, but at least I got there.
Around 2 o'clock the snow was coming down thick and fast so we took the decision to close the office, diverted the phones to office 'down south'  who commented 'what snow?'

I was therefore home in time to walk Reggie with Mr H. We had a great time in the snow and got lots of action shots of chasing and catching snowballs, but I just loved this photo of Reg so decided to go with this.

His furry legs tend to accumulate snow, so when we got home we gave him a tepid shower to melt it all..... wish I'd had a camera to hand to capture that.

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