Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

A Panoramic Snow Scene.

My brother and I met up for a 'Blipmeet' with Frank Brett at a very nice pub about 8 miles out of Melton Mowbray. The food was excellent and we were sat beside the log fire. Very warm and comfortable. The weather was not so, It was snowing quite heavily while we were having our lunch, which sort of persuaded us to stay and enjoy meal and warmth. 

I took this shot on the way back which is three shots stitched together to get the panoramic effect. It sums up what the weather is like at the moment.

It has been an eventful couple of days here, It has rained, blown a hooley, it has snowed  and been freezing, plus we have experienced an Earthquake. Yes I did say Earthquake, I expect some of you experienced it as well last evening. Apparently was about 3.8 on the richter scale. 

Well I am of home tomorrow and back to work in the evening. 

Enjoy and take care.

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