St Martin of Tours, Basildon

Today's visit was to St Martin of Tours, consecrated on 10th November 1962. At 30m high, the bell tower is one of only 2 glass & steel bell towers in the world. Their Lady Chapel houses a continuously burning red light, a niche in the wall with flowers and a brick picked out in a deeper shade of red, which is home to a small urn of ashes from the crematorium at Auschwitz. St Martins was asked to receive these after it had promoted and housed an Auschwitz Exhibition in January 1984. The church is being refurbished, hence the photo of their amazing windows, paint pots, covers, plastic bags & mugs of tea.

Although these good folks have a short history in this church, it is deep and meaningful and they have an eye for the future. I met with the church leadership to help dream dreams. Children and families are key to their growth and we explored their vision and then how to live with new ways of working. More to come here.

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