From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Towing the line

Big day for Zoe today. Moved into her new house last night with new flatties, friends of friends, but none of the three have known each other previously.  

Today was Zoe's orientation day for her first full time job - as a physiotherapist at St George Hospital.  Up early this morning to be sure to be there on time, to find that her car was not where it had been the previous night.  It appeared to have been . . . .  towed away!

Just so happens that the new flat is on the Princes Highway - up high, but neither Zoe nor I knew that a broken yellow line alongside the gutter signified a clearway zone.   In our defence, there were no signs to say this - not knowing what the line meant we did look, but did not find.

What bumpkins we are, to be sure!

So a frantic run ensued, trying to locate the car before her 8.15 start at the hospital.

She's come back up the mountain tonight as she and Bob are moving a lot of her things down tomorrow.

Not a great shot of Zo, but it's been an important day for her, so that's that.

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