Naming Days

By Leeleee

Somebody that I use to know

Aaah another week. Another internal. Another blip. Things are going so fast.
Ms birthday. I miss that girl too much. :( :( :(
This is thing on my wall that's well over its due date to be taken off :)
My intermediate school year 8 teacher came over today to interview my brother as she is studying him for her maths/teaching super profesh degree. Weird, brings back soooo many memories.
Soccer practice again-bit tired today but managed to a maradonna twist in a game situation. My favourite trick at the moment. Sounds like a dance move!
I feel like kicking someone/thing and I'm not sure why....I'm angry. I sometimes feel like people just use me when they need me but don't actually pull trigger when it's their gutted. I'm really annoyed actully-when you think your close to someone but they just wanna be "cool." I don't like saying this on blip actully but I need to get it out of my system.!
That's life I guess :) I learnt that oh too well from other m.
Hope everyone had the happiest Mondays possible :)

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