
By Ambla

Sleeping like a Baby

Spent a lot of time watching TV in the morning, as nobody wanted to play.
Daddy was at home but he was in bed a lot. When it was time for us to go to sgoil-àraich, I decided I'd stay with him. Baby was allowed to stay at home, but I was supposed to go. I found this really unfair, so I refused to go. Mummy kept trying to trick me by distracting me, or she'd carry me a bit, but I succeeded in staying away up until after we'd been talking to A and E's mummy (on the way back across the park from dropping A, presumably) for about ten minutes. You see, sometimes I like dogs, and they had a little one, and I do like little ones, so we went with the dog to sgoil-àraich. Once there, I had a great time. Apparently, Baby slept while I was there. Then I came home and still Daddy didn't want to play (and Mummy never wants to because she's always cooking). In fact, he went to the doctor, which was silly because we had only been there yesterday. 
I fell asleep during dinner. They are always threatening to take me to bed, but yesterday, I really did wake up in my bed, wearing a bib and no nappy. It was not nice. Luckily it was still early enough for me to get stories from a revived Daddy, and Mummy.

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