Footsteps on the snow

Today it snowed in Edinburgh but, as usual, it didn't set on the ground for long, which is rather frustrating. I managed to find some snow on my way back from work though.

Something very intriguing happened while I was taking photos in here, by the way. I stopped briefly to take photos of the snow on the branches of the trees and I turned round. There was a man (I could only see a black shadow though) standing still. He didn't move at all while I was taking the photos. I felt a bit nervous because I thought he was watching me, so I turned round and continued down the steps. I turned round again and I saw the same man jumping over a high fence. I wonder what he was up to...

Work's been rather quiet, but it normally is at this time of the year. My back was feeling better today, which is good. I just have to keep taking ibuprofen.

Finnish sentence for today:

Löysin jalanjälkiä lumilla ja seurasin niitä.
(I found footseps on the snow and I followed them.)

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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