Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday but there wasn't anything worth blipping.  But today, just before I went off to work, I looked out of the lounge window and on the fence next to the adjacent field, I saw a large bird.  I knew it was large even from the distance of over 10 metres, because the pigeon, also sitting further up the fence, looked quite small.

As I watched, he flew down onto the ground where there was obviously something he was eating, but then seemed dissatisfied,  and hopped back onto the fence.  I think it's a young buzzard.  We do get them flying around over the adjacent field and they nest each year, in a small wood on the edge of a neighbouring field. If I'm not correct, I'm sure  someone will tell me.

Sorry it's not as clear as I would have liked, but he wasn't in my garden.

So glad Wednesday is nearly over.  Last night the special policeman who patrols around here spent over an hour with us, trying to understand what has been going on.  He is going to keep a watch on a certain person, known for causing trouble.

One more day of typing long legal documents and going boss-eyed trying to keep track of where I am on the page.  Looking forward to Friday, seeing my sister, Redflash in Hampshire.  It will only be a brief visit but enough for lots of hugs.

Thankyou dear blip friends for your kind words and encouragement.  Sending hugs and well wishes to you all. xx

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