Where's Dolly?
Hello Blip-friends….this is Dolly again! I hope you can find me in this picture!
I'm a little upset because a couple of weeks ago when I was at the hairdresser groomer, I think my mummy cleared out some of my toys to take to the charity shop. There's definitely less here in this corner than there used to be! Can you believe she would do that, especially when my back was turned? It's a good thing that I have a few more upstairs and also at the other house where I visit when my mummy is off flying in her airplanes to wherever it is that she goes!
My mummy has been very busy today, sitting in front of her computer, sorting papers, taking care of taxes and writing a few emails. She has also been doing some at-home computer based training in preparation for her annual emergency refresher training which she says is looming next week.
I like to always be close by so I can keep an eye on her, although I usually end up falling asleep in my bed.
The weather was foul this morning, but it turned sunny this afternoon. But it was SO windy that even though we went out on one of our favourite walks, I made sure I let my mummy know that I did NOT want to be out there! I'm only a little small poodle and I could get blown away!
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