The dreaded call

For teachers and those in education, the dreaded call came today.
Would gave been ok about it had I not had a call from nursery saying womsie wasn't right thirty minutes before.
womsie had Calpol and perked up enough yo get him to 4:30, when I picked him up I burst into tears as felt so dreadful leaving my baby when get wasn't right.

He slept on the way home then happily played with the Happy Land before splashing very contentedly in the bath before going to sleep. We shall see what tomorrow brings but as I am now working the next two days, daddy is going to be a star and sort Munchie and Wom, with assistance from grandma if required, allowing me just to focus on school.

Munchie was so cuddle some today, she slept 12 hours solid last night so was in a pretty good mood this morning, she was fab going to bed too.

Tomorrow's plans are all cancelled. Celebrations are on hold until...

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