A star
We've actually managed to have Tunnocks Tea Cakes in the flat since Monday evening, and they haven't yet all disappeared.
I've spent the whole day at the interface, trying to catch up with myself, and not finding the time to do the necessary preparation for the presentation I have to give on Friday. However, that's what flights are for, isn't it?
At about 6pm, I suddenly realised that I no longer have a functional wheelie bag. Cue panic, checking of shop opening hours, and an emergency trip to Ocean Terminal where something suitable, and democratically priced, was acquired. It doesn't really matter, at that price, whether it lasts or not. But it will do for a little while, anyway, for short trips. I should say that Mr A thinks it is hideous. I might blip it over the next couple of days, as part of my hotel blips, which are going to be revitalised from tomorrow for a few days.
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