Birthday Bubbles

Regular subscribers followers will note a couple of things - an upgrade from my usual tipple and most is unopened! The latter may soon be addressed! It is hard to get excited about a late January mid week birthday. I may take a leaf out of my mum's book and have a second birthday in the summer! Before you ask, no she isnt HRH!

One of my blip chums told me to do something for myself for my birthday and that is just what I have done. I had been at the docs on monday as a wee ongoing problem had been giving me more gyp than normal. The doc asked if I was under any stress. So I explained. Later on I realised that something had to change. You can't let things have an effect on your health. Que sera sera. Life is way too short and precious to waste.

You cant change the past, you can only hope to shape the future.

The preciousness of life and family waa brought sharply into focus late last night with a phonecall from Mr Lif's sister. If you are reading barbara, you know your family in the frozen north are thinking of you and yours as P begins his treatment xxx

..and now it may well be time for that wee birthday tipple :) I wonder if I ring my wine bell will Mr Lif jump to his feet ?

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