Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Bottom of the Barrel

Struggled bravely home through a blizzard at lunchtime, head bent into the wind, coat wrapped tight around me against the snow.  It must have lasted for 5 or even 10 minutes! 

Several wee intense flurries today, but nothing too serious here - sure there will be other places where it is far worse.

The most worrying thing was when I opened the biscuit tin to give Rocky his post-walk treat, we discovered it was nearly empty.  Only the despised, last resort marrow-bone biscuits remained.  To him these are the dog equivalent of Hob Nobs to me: we would only eat them if we were biscuit-starved, and there was no possibility of something more interesting (such as a Bonio or a Jaffa Cake). 

Must get some treats for him on the way home, and perhaps a wee snack for me to munch on while I'm watching Wolf Hall. 

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