A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

My Night

I long ago accepted that I am an old woman before my time, and I prove this fact more and more to myself with every passing week. My student nights normally consist of curling up into bed with a TV show or my book rather than getting drunk at every opportunity.

I've had an excellently productive day, I made a start into the reading for my first essay of the semester, I wrote up notes from yesterday's lectures, I made my favourite soup. I was too lazy to make anything for dinner so made pizza.

In other news, Rory got his new bike today and he seems to love it! It was already named, and I shall be sure to blip it later in the week when I see it for myself! He's wanted a new bike since we started going out, so it's been a long time anticipated and I'm so happy he finally bought one!

Anyway, back to the Gilmore Girls and hoping that this time around, Rory will say yes to Logan... A girl can dream!

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