Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Tonal Appreciation

The sky is white, yet, it is grey.
The trees are black, yet they are shades of green and brown.
The road is black, yet in places it is white. These are the tones in a picture, which an artist must master.

On the way to work this morning, I snapped this shot of a lane not far from Bicknacre and it reminded me of an on-camera conversation David Hockney was having with a presenter a few years ago. He was stood in a spot he visited and painted regularly in Woldgate, Yorkshire. He was in his iPad 'painting' phase and asked the straightforward question: what colour is the road? Without hesitation the response came 'black'. In fact, the road in the distance was reflecting sunlight and only when the presenter looked again, really looked was it apparent that the road was white.

That is the difference when we take time to really look and think, rather than rush from one priority to the next. Must dash...

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