Angles Are Interesting!
Most of the angles in our homes are 90 degrees (otherwise we would be in real trouble, nothing would fit etc.). However, how many objects do we have in our homes that depend upon angles to make them work... Here are a few examples (clockwise from top left):- No. 1 of course is the famous "Right Angle" or 90 degs. This is our kitchen tap! No. 2 - an interesting ornament (we have a matching pair), the right hand angle going bottom right to top left is 56 degs. Number 3 - the Hall Cloaks cupboard has a fine angle of 14 degs. And finally the dormer window area in one of the bedrooms is actually 44 degs (not 45 as we would expect) - poor workmanship :). The angles have all been measured using a free to download iPhone app called "TiltMeter". Why not download the app and start to seek out those interesting angles in your home!
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