Not A Happy Face

My darling girl isn't doing so well this evening.

She was poorly after she'd come round from her anaesthetic and though she's now been fussed and fed she keeps wobbling and whimpering :( I'm hoping she'll feel brighter after a proper sleep. If there's no change tomorrow I'll give the nurse a call.

I was expecting a happier Stella when she didn't have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the surgery this morning. She knew something was up but when I assured her that they were just looking at things and there'd be no cone of shame this time she perked right up. 

Today's vet didn't see anything too sinister on her x-ray apart from a slight anomaly where her tail bone joins her spine but our usual vet will take a look tomorrow. If it's too unclear it will be sent to the posh vets before we consider referral for a MRI scan. Other test results should be in before the weekend too.

Feeling a bit useless & fretful right now, will be praying for a brighter tomorrow.

The lady at the insurers had to concur that Stella is indeed one of the unluckiest dogs on their books! 

As always thank you for your kind thoughts x

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