The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Eye of the Pigeon

It's the eye of the pigeon
It's the thrill of the flight
Risin' up to the challenge
Of our rooftops
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the
Eye of the pigeon

Admit it - I had you tapping your feet there .. maybe even given you an annoying ear worm for the rest of the day..

This poor pigeon chick fell out if it's nest into our garden, I've put him in the undergrowth at the back of the garden - hopefully pigeon mama will come and get him in the night. If not, I've got no idea what to do with him. He doesn't seem to know how to fly, and I'm not masticating earthworms to spit in his mouth. Good luck buddy.

UPDATE: Good news is that the wee fella was still in one piece the next day and summoned up the will to try and fly again, narrowly missing my wife's head in it's drunken trajectory before the it lifted and clear the roof. Made my day hearing that! "There's always room for a few valiant birds" as Wing Commander Gutsy always said.

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