
By dandales

Rare for a Reason....

I have an ASBO pony!
Millie is in trouble.
We had a call from the livery owner today asking us to 'move' her!

This picture illustrates her potential for mischief. (In it she is trashing permanent electric fencing! This was taken in the early autumn.)
She is a terrible teenager.
She seems to have joined a 'gang' and the others have been put in a different field because they are delicate and need less mud. Millie wanted to be with them and has flattened hedges, fences and gates to be with her 'mates'.
She had escaped and was refusing to be caught.

My daughter went to see the damage and catch the culprit. It took her an hour to catch her and put her back. We'll see how long it lasts but she is going to have to 'relocate'.

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