
Monday 26th January 2015 (884)

I miss seeing the thumbnail of "one year ago" on my blip. I know it can be accessed but I have to remember to look, whereas the thumbnail sometimes prompted and reminded me. I've been struggling for blips recently so decided to have a quick look back at this time last year for some inspiration. I noticed the catkins taken on 27th January and thought it was odd I hadn't seen them outside my house. 

This lunch time I came the other way down my road and the sun was shining on the catkins and setting them off against the red bushes behind. They are not growing nearer to my house like last year yet because the bushes have all been cut back. As the light was nice I walked back down the road to take them and wanted to catch the red in the background as well. The wind decided to blow, which made it difficult, but I liked this one ... even if it is a day earlier than last year!

Still feeling rather fragile.  

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