On Golden Lake

Teleconference this morning, then rushed back to the city for a new patient assessment. I know. I made the appointment without noticing that today is a public holiday in Auckland. Nevertheless, a day off when one is self employed is a day without income. So I didn't mind. At least not too much.

When I had finished, I came home to the apartment where daughter C, Mr H and Young L were visiting. After they left I thought I'd head out, probably along Ponsonby Road. 

However, S wanted me to download the "stalking app", having just done so when tsuken was visiting. As long as both parties agree, and have iPhones, one can find where the other is. S wanted me to have this so if I am away too long she can find out where I am. Hoping that I'm not under a bus.

Had to back up the iPhone first; then download iOS 8; then the app was a breeze to download. By that stage I decided to go down to Western Springs Lake.

The birds were, by and large, heading for their night time places of rest. I got a photo of bird # 33 for 2015; a rock pigeon. I also got better photos of some birds already featuring in my list for the year.

Then I got this. The sun was just coming below the dark rain clouds, and covered the surface of the lake in gold. The geese were heading for a patch of reeds and shrubs just out from the bank. I headed home.

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