With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

About 5m?

Massive waves hitting Deia beach. I couldn't get the scale of them very easily, certainly not without ruining the camera or running the risk of being swept off into the raging sea.

In the summer, this is one of the best places for a Sunday lunch. 

Mrs Pepperpot had a splendid paella in the Port, sitting outside the appropriately name Las Olas (The waves) as we watched them crash against the cliffs opposite. The sun just edged round to warm our toes before disappearing behind cloud, but it was time to go. She made me drive to Deia, making three people and a dog very happy. Firstly we gave a lift to a hitchhiker, a walker drawn by the invigorating sea to go that bit further and had then missed the bus. He told us to be careful if we went down to the beach. So we went down to the beach. Then we squealed with delight at the waves and the complete absence of beach. I hope the chiringuito hasn't suffered any damage. The restaurant was escaping most of the waves, but the terrace was getting a real soaking.

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