Dallam Tower

Today's the day ................................. to open the garden

We were on our way to Arnside this afternoon when we spotted a yellow NGS (National Gardens Scheme) Open Garden at Dallam Tower. You don't usually get the chance to see the garden of this Stately Home and we couldn't resist going in to have a look.

Dallam Tower was originally a pele tower, created in about 1375. The tower was demolished and replaced with the present house between 1720 to 1723 . The house is surrounded by an 18th-century deer park which often features in the journal of Arnside and beyond.

We enjoyed a cup of tea and homemade cake sitting outside this amazing greenhouse that I'm sure at one time would have produced exotic fruits and flowers for the big house. The gardens were a delight - specially a walk through the wood where the wild garlic flowers made it look as if there had been a fall of snow.

It's such a good idea to open up lovely gardens throughout the country and at the same time give an opportunity for a bit of local fundraising ...............................

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