Give me just a little more time....

This is the main route out of our estate; when I said "Main" I actually mean only. 

I've blipped it before, earlier this week. 

Today, as we approached the traffic lights which were at red and at which there were 14 cars ahead of us, we watched as they quickly turned from Red, to Green, and back to Red again in the blink of an eye. 

Three cars, made it through on Green to Amber.  A further 8 went through on Red.  Frustration makes you do crazy things. 

I got out on the way home, and walked the 100 meters up to the road works, tiptoed my way around them, stopped and photographed the mess we are having to drive on, the moat, which is taking nice shape around the new estate, and watched the faces of frustration on the drivers waiting for the lights to change again. 

By the time I had made it through the whole traffic works, and walked a further 50 yards, the lights finally Changed, Si caught up with me, and we finshed the journey together. 

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