Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Guest blipper today, my husband. Rarely seen infront of the camera, even rarer to catch him in action behind the camera. But I didn't want this weekend to pass without a shot of me and my growing babies.

William is still spotty, but in fine fettle. Carys is complaining of sore head and throat, has the cough of a seal and has the start of gooey eyes. Really hoping this is the start of her having the pox, as I can't be doing with a week of a streaming cold from her then chicken pox. Plus it would mean we would not need to reconsider half term plans.

Spent this morning opening presents from the party and writing thank you's. All school thank you's are done. If you are family or friends you may have to wait a little longer as we are managing approximately 2 a day after breakfast, but they will be all Carys's work, the school ones weren't. Carys is one luck little girl, and bless her she said that to me herself this morning. She only had one duplicated present from her party and one that she had at Christmas, but personally I think that that is pretty amazing considering she had roughly 35 presents in total.

This afternoon was a little shopping trip for the girls to sort out a small book problem at Waterstones, buy a present for William from Carys to make up for him missing her party and because he was so good when she was opening her many presents (amazingly good considering his age). She choose a 'Take and play' Thomas the Tank and then insisted I wrap it for him.

It was also a shopping trip for ingredients for tea, which Carys cooked for William and herself with minimal input from Daddy and I. It was fishcakes from her 'i can cook' book that Kate sent her for her birthday. She loved making them and both of them enjoyed eating them. Result I would say.

This was taken after dinner, just before bed as I was finishing the second (of six) book of the Darcy Bussell Magic Ballerina books. William insisted on joining us girls on the sofa, even though there weren't many pictures in the book.

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