
By HotButtered1

Get Ready for Australia Day!

Calling all Aussies, expats and Oz friends, tomorrow is Australia Day.

Just reminding you to do something Australian eg have vegemite on your toast, wear your thongs (flipflops) or Ugg boots, put on a T shirt or sing a bar or two of Waltzing Matilda!

I tried to find some Aussie foods online in the UK to send to my son and his partner in the UK and all I could find were - vegemite, Eucalyptus antiseptic cream, onions, green apples, honey, ginger and wine. Clearly we need to get better at marketing and exporting to the northern hemisphere. So it is a very strange Aussie package that will arrive at his door!

petespics Happy Birthday to expat petespics - deserves to take the day off - birthday and Australia Day.

Today's foto is a huge Aussie flag flying at the entrance to Voyager Estate winery.

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