Gitama's World

By Gitama


A wonderful word that describes that amazing smell just after the rain hits the earth.
It was so strong and lovely this evening as it started to rain after a sweltering day (again).
We drove up the coast for a swim...there is a place in the river by the ocean where the little guy feels safe to play  without being dumped by waves.
I asked Jaiya to leave me up on the hill while she and Flynn went to the shops. I had a 360 degree view of the sky....all of it just head felt like it was on a swivel...there were rays coming from the setting sun behind the clouds arcing up over my head and landing in the west! what to say I was gobsmacked by the sheer loveliness of it.
There were a few photographers up there...they must of thought I was a mad woman running all over the hill wet (from a swim) in my blue caftan.... silly hat....and camera with tripod...but in all truth they must of been as excited as I how could they not.
Anyway blathering on just a little filters got a good work out and This is the first ever pic I have taken of lightning...I would like to of said that it was intentional but really it was just pure luck.....does any one have a good formula for taking shots of lightning?....I really didn't know weather to shoot fast?...... slow?..what aperture?.......just couldn't work it out. I guess this shot tells me something as it was a LE and I still got it reasonably sharp.

As I was saying on the way home we drove into the storm..... lightning all around...(love it) and as the rain came that beautiful petrichor filled the car...just so very yummy.

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.”
Bob Marley

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