Roll With It

By Falmike

It's A Dog's Life!!

Gussie, our Jack Russell, is the only being in the house who has had a more relaxing day than me.
A lie in meant I didn't get up until 09:15, Clare was up at 06:00 and gone by 06:15, Joshua was up around 09:00, cereal and juice easy. Full English for me followed by Sunday Telegraph spread out over the dining table, lovely, Samantha joined us relatively early, for her that is, at 10:00, cereals, toast and juice for her.
The children didn't even go to the TV, computer, Wii, I-pad or each other!! Instead showered and dressed they each made arrangements with their respective friends. I hung out the washing, jet washer to Helen next door, dining table cleaned, cleared and tidied, kitchen cleaned and cleared, dishwasher on and finally a quick tidy of the lounge. By 14:30 I had sorted and cleared 93 e-mails, completed the ratings on my last 89 Amazon purchases and generally had a full electronic tidy up.
Film into cameras - yes I have two very nice cameras that take old fashioned film that needs developing by a professional, two video cameras on charge.
The children were out so I had a stroll down town, coffee in Costa brought my loyalty card total to 890 (£8.90) and coffee in Nero now means I have two cards full. Walked back up the hill, children home, fed, showered and both upstairs by 20:15.
I am now watching some TV whilst I wait for a very tired Clare to arrive home.
I shall make a fuss of her, my very lovely wife who has had a hard day.

Unlike Me!!!

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