
By Mindseye

Sun and snow

After our Burns night meal out we stayed over with our friends in Rochdale and then this morning after we left, en route to mums for the day, we took a slight detour so that I could take advantage of their snowy conditions!

I really don't know exactly where we were when I said "stop here, this will do" hub pulled over, I jumped out, this happened 2 or 3 times, resulting in a dozen or so shots of very picturesque fields and lanes with lovely blue sky and white snow!

However, the last stop saw the clouds come over and change the scene completely in a matter of minutes, and I have to say this is my favourite shot, not so colourful, without the blue sky, but I like the way the watery sun is still finding its way through the clouds!

For your info, am still stuffed from last night :-)
We are out for lunch tomorrow with middle son and family, hopefully I will have some room by then ;-) and then that's it, no more eating out until summer!!!!!!!!!!!

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