From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Just say you don't know me....

I am mortified!!

Today has been an unusually busy day for a Saturday. The most incredible thing was that I slept until my Saturday alarm went off! 8 hours is incredible for me!

I was sent a joke via text early on and it really made me laugh I am (almost) ashamed to say. I am cringing telling you this....

I went to the bathroom and the usual Saturday radio host was announcing the topics for the morning so I sent the joke which was perfect for the day before I went in the shower. I was very sensible and decided not to include my name. Imagine my surprise/horror when my phone rang as I was drying myself.

'Is that Roz?' an irritatingly cheery voice asked. Hell. My number is clearly stored under 'Mad Woman' or something. I said yes and then she said she loved that joke and asked would I mind telling it to Iain. I told her I did not fancy being taken out and shot but she persuaded me that it was OK.

So, there I was explaining with a turban wrapped round my head and wearing nothing else but a grimace telling a horrific joke on BBC WM. No kidding you, I could hear the tumbleweed rolling and the wintry wind howling through the airwaves. 'Well that's a bit racist Roz!' said Iain. Ooooer!

Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty normal. Stratford etc. Today's picture was taken using my new compact camera - Canon SX700 - which does the job and is pretty small! I love my bridge but with the new one, I can fit it in a small bag when I decide to go out wearing my ballgown!

You can stop laughing now.

The joke? Ummm... Please skip the next few lines if you are of a sensitive nature.

Condolences to the family of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Temper your grief with the following comforting thought :-
Not so much losing a loved one as gaining a spare tea towel.


Track? A cracker from Slade - How Does It Feel?

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