Another busy (ish) day

Stupidity misread the clock in the night. I read 4:30 so told Wom he could come into our room, only when he was in our room did I realise it was 1:30!
Milk given and Wom sent back to his room.

Ballet completed, the waiting room is getting so busy now, Munchie told me she doesn't like coming out because she can't see me. Got changed there into home clothes and headed home to collect daddy and Wom.

Saw them heading to the car, then they headed back inside. After sitting in the car for ten minutes waiting (we guessed nappy explosion) I headed towards the house to be greeted by a grinning Wom and a grumpy daddy. One poo explosion, plus additional wee. I had the change bag with me so he had had to dash upstairs to get clothes, but then found the clothes were in the wash baskets to be put away!

Arrived, park.
Watched room on the broom.
It was super. Both children mesmerised. Munchie was fidgety in her seat but I think this was more to do with it moving each time she moved (not being heavy enough to weigh it down) supplies of food and drink certainly helped.

Had promised her a trip to the nugget shop after the performance. Food bought. Went long way home as stupid traffic lights causing traffic mayhem, she fell Asleep clutching her happy meal. Snapped that picture, not realising if showed how bruised her chin was! Took Munchie up to bed and let her have an hours sleep. Fear not the happy meal was warmed up for her tea and served with peas and sweetcorn

Wom has suffered today, no morning sleep today due to going out, no afternoon sleep as as soon as he is lifted from his car seat, he is awake. He crashed out on daddy's lap around 4, just as tea was ready, just let him he needed it, think teething monster lurking!

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