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By pplnani

Splodge the Chaffinch

I have watched this little chaffie since he was a fledgling last year. He developed with only one working leg and I really didn't think he would survive very long as nature can be very cruel to infirm or slightly less than perfect specimens but, against the odds I saw him gain strength, moult to get his adult plumage and visit the feeder every day. I believe he lives in the holly bush pictured here as it's very near the feeder and it's here that I see him most often. He manages to eat from the feeder by standing on his good leg and flapping a bit and we have tried to make some flat places near where he lives, where we can put down a few extra seeds for him, which he even looks out for now. I have shown him here sitting in the sunshine after his breakfast, enjoying the slightly less cold temperatures and showing brilliantly why I call him Splodge - because when he sits on a branch or the ground he rests his good leg and I think he looks like he has dropped from a great height and ended up in the shape of a splodge  :-)))

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