
I spent the day in my old office doing some training with the new person. It was a very strange experience; great to see my old boss and we had a good catch-up over lunch in the local Thai favourite, but it was so odd being back in the office and going over work I no longer do. In a lot of ways it was very nice; it was such a lovely working environment, and I knew the job inside-out- which is exactly the reason why I had to leave, but it felt really strange going back. I'm back in next Thursday, but that's the lot. I don't think a brewing cold helped my general feeling of confusion.

After the busy day, I met up with some pals for a very speedy dinner (two meals out in a day! though I did make sure I just had salad at lunch!) before we went to Tree at the Old Vic. It's Daniel Kitson's latest show, and is incredible. I've seen most of his shows over the years- both stand-up and theatre; he's a real favourite of mine, and with this one he's really nailed it. It's just him (up a life-sized tree for the whole show) and Tim Key, and the dialogue is intelligent and hilarious. I would highly recommend it if there are any tickets left.

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