A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Beyond The Dreams Of Avarice

It is 1000 days since my dad started this blipping thing.

Back then we lived on the Scottish Borders. It was nice enough, plenty of good walks and rabbits to chase. But it was so wet and cold all the time. Still I had a shaggy coat to wear back then. Very retro actually.

But after a few months, we moved to the south of Spain. Well, he did. I had to stay behind while my dad got settled. Then he would come and get me.

I was beginning to give up hope when the next summer came around. But then one day in July, he arrived and announced we were going on a road trip. All the way to southern Spain! That was very exciting.

When we got there, I discovered I had a lovely new mum and soon after a beautiful home on the beach. I go for super walks along the sand and play in the sun all day. The Borders seem a long way away now.

Anyone who dips in and out of my adventures in blipland will know that I am the subject of many of them.  And you can see, it pays quite well too.

As my dad will often say, now that he has made his new life with me here, he is rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

Onwards and upwards, I say. Here's to the next 1000 days.

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