Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

Windy beach, Qolora Mouth

No. Not given up Blipping, just been away for up the coast for a week or so.

We've been staying at a much loved family hotel called Trennerys that we used to visit annually when the kids were small.

The half century old buildings are unchanged; clean and very comfortable.

The food remains peerless school style; hearty and lots of it.

The weekly seafood night (including local oysters, prawns, fish, calamari and much, much more) is still a fixture and we were made heartily welcome.

No cell signal, no Internet and a week to do nothing but walk, talk and read.

I did manage a couple of pics though...

BTW, Qolora is (I think) a Xhosa word and requires a click of the tongue on the roof of the mouth to pronounce the "Q" properly. Please ensure you have no food in there when you try ;-)

Leica D-LUX 3

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