Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul


This is an emergency blip as the image I took with my phone this morning out with Misty was very low resolution, I forgot to change it!  Its not very often I blip Sasha cat so here she is in her comfy bed by the fire which she only recently rediscovered a couple of days ago, that's cats for you.  Talking of cats, my mum's cat Tigger has now gone to live with my sister now that me and Misty are out of the way :)  All's going well so far, he's been chipped and has to be kept indoors for a few weeks.

Still feeling rough with this cold, getting fed up of it now.  Misty keeps giving me funny looks when I cough!   I think its meant to be nice tomorrow so may just go out somewhere for an easy peasy stroll.

Here's another back blip from Clacton last week titled whoops, just one more to go :)

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