Life and times of CC & AJ

By Shh

Troublesome twosome

It is so difficult to get a photo of these two boys together. Mummy wanted a nice photo of CC and AJ together to give to family at Christmas but it has proven impossible so far.

Daddy was meant to have today off work but he had to go in for an important meeting in the end. So mummy braved taking CC and AJ to Henley Childrens Centre for the first time on her own. CC happily walked alongside the buggy from the car park and then mummy put AJ in the sling when we got there so that she could follow CC around a bit more easily. It was meant to be a messy play session, but CC wanted to spend the whole time outside playing with cars and the sand pit, so that's where we stayed.

Back home for a family nap and to finish of last bit of wrapping. CC is very good at unravelling rolls of wrapping paper and attacking them with scissors so that it is not usable. Good job mummy seems to have loads of the stuff spare this year.

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