
..back blipping this as I went out last night, and forgot!

Now my music thingy's working, and computers are speaking to X drives, and NAS drives, and NAS drives are speaking to X drives, I'm busy storing my music collection.

I had lots of old downloaded concerts on an external hard drive, saved from various computers they had been stored on. Well now they're on the NAS drive (backup), and X30 drive (working copies to listen too)..

I started loading the backed up CD music files last night, and 18 hours on, it still has 4000 files to move! The album count is fast approaching 1600, with plenty to go yet!

Only had time to do a quick shot from the front door, the sun was really shinning on Arkle when I took this, but the image out of camera was a bit flat. It's been well processed in PS, darkening the foreground, and adding texture to the cloud. The original was a very flat grey!

Went to a talk in the Village hall about the archaeology around Scourie. Very interesting, and we may get to expose a few hut circles..

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