"After we're done here...can we chase the birds?"

I think I had a few better shots today, but this scene spoke to me. The closeness and comfort between dog and owner.

And, what a great spot to be brushed...staring out at the Gulf of Mexico. Ahhhh...the life of a dog.

I did get my clown bike (a fold-up) out this morning, and took a ride through a nature preserve. Not many birds to be found. Then, things got bad. A 4 mile backup to get to the beach. YECH! I pulled a U-turn. Then, I couldn't find a parking spot at the fish market. ARRRGGHHH!

I ended up at a marina/restaurant, where I saw a group of 4 guys putting in a 40 foot yacht. The yacht had been out of the water for a week...getting her bottom painted. Those straps they use to lift up those boats must be REALLY strong.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157648097257574/ Click on the above link to see some shorebirds, and the big boat.

P.S. In 36+ years of delivering the mail, I never met a golden retriever that was nasty. Such a sweet breed.

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