
It has been a day of constitutional significance which will no doubt continue to generate debate.

It was also a day when some clarity was brought by the Court of Session to a debate that has been running for some time: whether the provisions of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 breach family and other rights. Just as the constitutional discussions generate heat and passion, driven by beliefs and convictions, so too does the 2014 Act.

As someone who had been heavily involved in working on the Act and its support of the GIRFEC approach, the Court's views were of particular personal interest to me.

Today's ruling was very clear that the Act's provisions in themselves did not breach rights etc and that they have a purpose which is legitimate. Of course guidance and other information has still to be issued and the Act has to be put into practice. But it is reassuring that the Act has met this legal scrutiny. My former colleagues can now progress with developing and supporting the implementation of the system and culture change needed to improve outcomes for children and young people.

The blip may be of limited photographic quality but what lies behind it is of major importance and was the most significant event of the day for me.

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