A bit of the White stuff
It's a wee bit snowy today - took double the time it normally takes to get to work this morning and I passed 3 pretty nasty looking smashes - including an over turned lorry! Thankfully I did make it to the office in one piece though.
Think I am glad it was back to college tonight as I had heard the road conditions back to the house got worse with people getting stuck!
No sign of the lecturer so no clearer on whether I will actually be able to complete this HNC... quite a pain waiting to find out!
Oh - and M obviously didn't realise that this is where my car was this morning - he very kindly went out to clear the snow off my car.... only to realise once done that it wasn't my car....
- 0
- 0
- Apple iPhone 6
- 1/15
- f/2.2
- 4mm
- 2000
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