Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma


So if a tree falls over when no one is around does it make a sound? This is the tree that topped over night on Thursday not that far from our bedroom window - we never heard a thing!

For those of you in the know I understand this was one of the trees where you knew you could get mobile phone reception - and I understand it is also sometimes known as the 'exam tree' as the dreaded wait for the text message is made all the more tricky due to lack of signal at camp!

Had a sticky moment with the car this morning where the traction control meant the car had anything but traction - ended up turning around and going the other way - but we did make it off site.  Unfortunately as the weather was so bad the trip to take pix in Edinburgh was cancelled - so M got stuck in to chopping up loads of wood and even managed to drop something on his sore toe - ouch again! 

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