not seeing straight

By jaybroek

Packaged up and ready for off

Dear Grandparents

As a measure of faith in your wisdom and parenting capabilities (look how we turned out!) we have decided to offer you the opportunity to give this little one some good old fashioned parent learnin'.

He doesn't eat so much (he asks for alot, unwraps or bites into it then says he doesn't want it mostly), is house trained (except for the occasional misfire) and absolutely loves to talk. And talk.

There is a bit of a 'taking a blind bit of notice of what you say' issue but that's where your years of experience can only reap dividends. And you keep saying you wake up early in the morning so you'll be company for each other.

As you can see we have him pretty much ready for the journey. We'll toss in a few waffles in the morning to keep him going. Tom has offered - nay insisted - that he takes the package to the post office first thing.

So who's it to be?

Don't all shout at once.


Your frazzled son

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