
Hello everyone.  My name is Perşembe which means "Thursday" in Turkish, pronounced "purrshembe" in English. Quite convenient really, as,  well,  it is Perşembe today here in Istanbul, and I am sure it is where you are too, and I purr all the time, especially when merrilhope touches me.   I am a feral cat, born on college campus about 9 months ago and have been living with my siblings near the music department, although one of my brothers was adopted.  Anyway,  one week ago, on Perşembe, as some of you know, I was picked up by MerrilHope and taken to the vetinary who is a very nice man.  He gave me an operation so I can't have babies, but that is ok because really, I am not much more than a baby myself and there are so many feral cats on campus.  He also vaccinated me against rabies and nasty parasites.  When merrilhope came to collect me on Monday, she also gave me a nice collar which means that I am now identifiable as "belonging" to someone.  I have to tell you that although I really like MerrilHope, and always want to cuddle her,  after less than an hour in her flat, I really wanted to go outside and find my siblings so off I went and then for the next 24 hours she, (merrilhope) couldn't find me. Then, yesterday, I decided to surprise her and so I was waiting outside her apartment building when she came home.  She was very happy to see me, fed me and we played together but I didn't want to go inside.   Anyway, today, being Thursday, and  a whole week since she took me to the vet,  I thought I would surprise her by waiting on the athletic track on the plateau where she walks most days weather permitting. I was surprised too because when she arrived at about 5pm, she had Caroline with her - apparently Caroline always goes with her to act as her coach, greeting merrilhope as she completes each circuit of the track.  Anyway, most importantly, merrilhope also had a kitty-snack with her which Caroline and I both enjoyed while we waited for her to walk. After several laps (achieving her daily total of more than 10,000 steps) I followed her back to the apartment building.  When she produced a 'cat carrier' I went inside it immediately and then, after a brief bumpy ride, I found myself in her home.  Please forgive the out of focus image of me but frankly, I was so busy exploring that I never stood still not even for one micro second and she so wanted me to be her Blip for this Persembe day.  In the image you can see I am exploring the kitchen and this thing called 'teapot' that is apparently extremely important to British people. Anyway, after more than an hour in her home, during which I not only explored but also had a snooze on her lap and also on the sofa, I'd had enough of "indoors" and so she walked me down rather a lot of stairs until we were outside again.  I ran off very quickly to play and find my siblings, sniffing the delicious night air as I went.  I have not decided yet whether or not I want to move in with her, although of course I am already very fond of her. Time will tell. 

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