Flare in the Glass Ceiling

Blonde & Pianoman - Cast A Spell

Sometimes looking up, we cast great expectations on ourselves and reach for the stars. It's so daunting. My skepticism tells me to point the finger at proponents that make the foundations of a society. My inner guilt tells me to point the finger at myself to say that it's always in my control and my fault.

There are a number of things to blame such as money, governments, culture (whether your own or another's), etc. for one's own disappointment but the balance of being able to choose your own criteria for a worthwhile and meaningful life is truly in your hands; the gift of choice.

Even though I look up and feel terrible at myself being "short-changed" from seeing above the glass ceiling, that flare due to light aberration you see from light's contact is a sign that you're able to see that it's merely "glass". There is no ceiling or spoon.

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