A bird in the hand.....
is worth two in the bush!
I purchased these delightful little led lit bath time ducks for baby Tbay. This caused much hilarity at supper time. The picture shows Mrs Tbay Jnr's sister modelling them. Isn't it amazing what you can buy tese days!!
The Tbay boys are at LAMMA ( Licolnshire Agricultural Machinery Maufacturers Association) which is the largest Uk farm machinery equipment and services show. Vampires in a blood bank come to mind. They have gone with their chum Mr W and are staying at Mr W Jnr's for two nights at which much alcohol will, I suspect, be consumed whilst debating the pros and cons of the latest agric machinery. They will return on Friday full of it! Hoping they have a really good time but do not come back with a real life size tractor!
As a result of this the girls including Mrs W had an excellent night here at home, enjoying a very nice bit of steak and some equally nice red wine.
Farming - Two on compost hauling. Nearly back to normal at the Mushroom Farm.
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