Seven Legs Are Good

Well we finally got a little snow - started about 5 a.m. and kept going, on and off, until the afternoon - and after all that effort it managed about 1cm, maybe 2 if you are generous! It is already mostly melted. 

Made some more bread to go with some soup from the freezer for lunch! Chucked some ingredients for stew in the slow cooker for tea tonight. Just got to make some dumplings now.

The garden was very busy with birds visiting the feeders I topped up yesterday. The robins were frequent visitors, along with sparrows, starlings and loads of blue tits. We also had blackbirds, thrushes, a wren and a couple more of the ones I couldn't identify before - I now believe they are coal tits.

Dogs slept until late afternoon and then got a bit a restless - so we went out but they weren't happy! Straight back to sleep when we got back home.

Spotted this spider on our cloakroom wall - and when I started photographing it it kept moving away from the lights - and it was then that I noticed it had a leg missing! Not a photoshop trick.

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