Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

About to start raining....

After the beautiful frost and sunshine of yesterday, today is a bit grey and blah. Murdoch went to the doggie parlour and is looking very smart after his haircut and smells so clean - that won't last, he seems to get smelly all too quickly these days (maybe its the dog food?)

I am sitting in my study wearing a scarf and an extra layer as the builders have all the doors and windows open while they bash the bathrooms apart. I think it is to prevent the build up of dust and to let any dampness from the leaks dry out, but it is bl**** freezing! They are very polite and are trying to work very neatly but it is not easy having someone in the house with me all the time.

I popped out to see what was going on at West End pond, but there were no herons or any other bird life - I was surprised to see the colours in this scene as the skies were getting dark as it was about to start raining.

Tonight I am going to the inaugural meeting of the Parents' Photography Group at the boys' school. We will be meeting monthly and it is going to include some theory, camera shoots, software lessons, essentially a combination of learning and sharing ideas - none of that heavy handed camera club stuff. Tonight we are meeting in the digital media suite which has computers with Photoshop. This is the same group that I have done two night shoots in London with, but subsequently the decision was made to meet more regularly.

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