
By Madchickenwoman

Morning Sun

Good hour and a half cleaning chicken coop this am. Very funky smell from nesting boxes where an egg or two had broken and formed a crust under the shavings - Yeuk! Perches covered in mud and poop, poop down the walls. Thick, slimy mud and poop from so much rain all around the coop. To finish my delight I saw a slight hole under the grain bin - moving the bin the mother of all holes - more a burrow! I swear rats can't be making holes this big - If it is a rat I don't want to meet it! Maybe a rabbit? I filled it in and will wait and watch to see what appears where!
The sun was trying to force its way through into the day on my way back - and like reflections, I can't resist a silhouette!
So now an afternoon of dog walking - and I am tempted to leave my camera behind and just enjoy Kess, a walk and the views, without getting sucked into capturing any of it - I simply feel like being today. I may then return and try my hand at my first art for the Life Book!!
P.S. It was a lovely walk, I did leave my camera in the car, I couldn't resist this crow by the car when we returned from walk!

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